Predictions breakdown
Our best prediction was 5 numbers (on 1 different tickets)
1,837 winning tickets for this particular draw have been available here BEFORE the draw took place. Since Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024) at Sunday, June 30th, 2024 at 01:07 UTC to be precise.
Breakdown of winning predictions for this draw
5 nrs | 1 |
4+1 nrs | 2 |
4 nrs | 56 |
3+1 nrs | 107 |
3 nrs | 873 |
2+1 nrs | 798 |
Numbers predicted 2024-07-03
ℹWe only keep the predictions for the most recent two draws in our database. Previously predicted numbers are being deleted to save space for the new ones.
The most recent predictions we provided for this lottery are available here
For a better understanding of our predictions please read how our prediction system works.
Prediction settings
Customize the view by using these tools. The changes will be reflected on the predictions above.
Setting | Description |
◻ Colors | Number colors is off. Turn this on to view the numbers color pattern. |
◻ 49s pattern | UK 49s color pattern is off. Turn this on to use the 49s color pattern instead of the default one. |
◻ Cons | Consecutive number display is off. Turning it on will make it easier to identify the consecutive numbers in the results. |
◼ Trends | Number trends display is on. |
◼ SUMn | SUM of numbers is on. |
◻ SUMd | Sum of digits is off. This setting will toggle the sum of the digits view. |
◼ Range | Numbers range is on. |
◻ E/O | Evens/Odds off. This setting will show you the even and odd numbers in the results. |
◼ RD | Repeating decades on. |
◻ RLd | Repeating last digits is off. This setting will show you the repeating last digits. |