Australia Set For Life results › 2024-05-24

Results from 2024-05-24

Australia Set For Life Heat Map

This heat map shows the frequency of each of the Australia Set For Life numbers in the form of a color between yellow and red.
The more the color of the lotto number is towards the red, the more frequently that particular number was drawn during all Australia Set For Life draws.
The small black box over the upper left of each Australia Set For Life number represents how many times that particular number has been drawn.

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Australia Set For Life statistics for 2024-05-24

Trend Value Statistical data
125 SUM of the numbers in these lotto results
26 SUM of the digits in these lotto results
31 Range (difference between highest and lowest number)
1 Smallest difference between two adjacent numbers
10 Greatest difference between two adjacent numbers
2 Frequency of even numbers
5 Frequency of odd numbers
3 + 2 Repeating decades
2 + 3 Repeating last digits
No repeating numbers
from the previous draw

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