Website feedback / suggestions :)

Would you like LottoMatic to provide results, predictions & statistics for a lottery we don't analyze already? Please post your request under this forum. New lottery features should also be posted here.
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Website feedback / suggestions :)

Post by nick.parker » 04 Jun 2020, 02:17

Lottery Games Suggestion:

1) Could you please put the jackpot amount next to each lottery game. For example; Mega Millions is at 378million something like that... I am thinking that would help fill those empty gaps on the right side of the prediction and latest result. ( ) just scroll down and you will notice all the lottery games with the empty space in the box on the right side. ---> example of the jackpot size after every draw.... put something similar inside each lottery game would be a nice addition.

2) I noticed on the main screen where you select either "Popular lottery games" or "Results by country" that for the popular lottery games there's only three which we all know that the mega millions should also be included in that.

Website Suggestion:

1) Could you add a darker website theme, it would be easier on the eyes, and it would limit the amount of harsh blue spectrum light.

2) I believe a search bar would be awesome to have when looking for a particular lottery game. For example; sometimes when I am looking for the mega million or pick 6 I have to click US and scroll down looking for it.. having a search bar to find the game I want to play would help out alot of people.

3) Can you please modernize the icons for example; On the main page inside any lottery game box you will see a "Magic wand icon" "Gear icon" "Android Icon" some weird "Dot icon" "Calendar icon" "Bar graph icon"... maybe you can just change them out to a button so for the gear icon you just swap it to a button labeled [QP]

4) I think having a voting system is a great idea to add more lottery games to the website. In all honesty you would be shocked at how many people don't know how to use a forum. the voting system will help the community out especially people who want for example "Jersey cash 5" predictions to be included on here. You would place the voting poll on the main page but at the top so everyone can see it.

Membership Suggestions:

1) Being a level 3 member is great in all, but what would make being a level 3 the best is faster services such as after every draw we get first hand on the next predictions and quick predicts... we shouldn't have to wait a day like everyone else.

2) Level 3 and Level 2 and Level 1 should all be different but somewhat rewarding for example. I figured most people aren't here to use all the advance tools you offer. Most are here to use the advance Quick pick system and Quick prediction system since they actually do provide reliable results for most of the lottery games.

Level 3
-Updated Lotto Results AFTER every draw
-Lottery Quick Picks (1 QP - 2 QP - 5 QP - 10 QP - 20 QP )
-Lottery Quick Prediction ( 1 QP - 2 QP - 5 QP - 10 QP - 20 QP )
-Predictions with filters
-Filtered Predictions as CSV
-Compare Lotteries (Latest 100 Draws)
- No Ads
- Lottery Number Generator (30)
- Lottery Trends of numbers

Level 2
-Updated Lotto Results for every draw
-Lottery Quick Picks (1 QP - 2 QP - 5 QP )
-Lottery Quick Predictions (1 QP - 2QP - 5 QP )
-Lottery Predictions with filters
- Trends of lottery numbers
- Lottery number Generator (25)
-Compare Lotteries ( latest 100 draws)

Level 1
-Updated Lotto Results for every draw
-Lottery Quick Picks ( 1 QP - 2 QP )
-Lottery Predictions with filters details
-Trends of lottery numbers
-Lottery number Generator (20)

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Re: Website feedback / suggestions :)

Post by LottoMatic » 09 Jun 2020, 01:03

Nick.Parker, these are indeed interesting suggestions. We will be discussing and see what and how any of your suggestions can be achieved.

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