Predictions breakdown
Our best prediction was 5+1 numbers (on 1 different tickets)
95,581 winning tickets for this particular draw have been available here BEFORE the draw took place. Since Wednesday, December 13th, 2017) at Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 at 15:06 UTC to be precise.
Breakdown of winning predictions for this draw
5+1 nrs | 1 |
5 nrs | 10 |
4+1 nrs | 22 |
4 nrs | 476 |
3+1 nrs | 243 |
3 nrs | 9,866 |
2+1 nrs | 1,837 |
2 nrs | 74,238 |
1+1 nrs | 4,935 |
0+1 nrs | 3,953 |
Numbers predicted 2017-12-13
Prediction settings
Customize the view by using these tools. The changes will be reflected on the predictions above.
Setting | Description |
◻ Colors | Number colors is off. Turn this on to view the numbers color pattern. |
◼ Cons | Consecutive number display is on. |
◻ Trends | Number trends display is off. This needs to be turned on to display the number trends. |
◻ SUMn | SUM of numbers is off. Turn this on to see the SUM of the drawn results. |
◻ SUMd | Sum of digits is off. This setting will toggle the sum of the digits view. |
◻ Range | Numbers range is off. Turn on to see the numbers range (highest - lowest nr.) |
◻ E/O | Evens/Odds off. This setting will show you the even and odd numbers in the results. |
◻ RD | Repeating decades off. Turn this on to see the repeating decades. |
◻ RLd | Repeating last digits is off. This setting will show you the repeating last digits. |