Lottery Matrix

The development of a sophisticated number generator required detailed, up to date lottery statistics. Lots of them!

And since we couldn't find anything out there that would even come close to that, we decided to build one and we called it the "Lottery Matrix" and it quickly became the...

Lottery statistics second to none

The only possible way to improve the lottery winning odds is to study and keep track of as many statistical factors as possible. So far, the Lottery Matrix is the only online service that provides such an impressive amount of lottery statistics.

Average statistics related to the lottery numbers, minimum and maximum values reached by various statistical factors, repeating numbers rate, trends of lottery numbers, distances between adjacent winning numbers, lottery common number colors, most drawn numbers in certain position, statistical factor frequencies... you name it.

It's all in the Lottery Matrix which is available for a number of 86 lottery games across the world.

The lottery matrix is available for each lottery we analyze. Links at the bottom of this page if the page is viewed on a mobile device or, in the case of a desktop or similar, in the sidebar on the right.

Alright! Enough honking the horn :-) Let's see how these lottery statistics are and where they're located in the Lottery Matrix.

There are seven sections on each Lottery Matrix page. Each of them is described below.

Table of Contents (ToC)

  1. Lottery number related averages
  2. Minimum and maximum values for certain statistical factors
  3. Customizing the lottery matrix
  4. The lottery matrix table
  5. Common lottery number colors
  6. Lottery numbers in particular positions
  7. The frequency of various statistical factors

Lottery number related averages

The first table you will find on the complete lottery statistics page contains averages related to the lottery numbers. This table contains averages from the main lottery matrix table. The header (in bold) of each average should clearly reflect the corresponding detailed column.

For example, the "Avg. Sum" is the average of the SUM of numbers column, "Avg. range" is the average range of the numbers (found in the Numbers range column in the main table) while the "Avg. rep. rate" represents the average repeating rate. The repeating lottery numbers are being shown, in the detailed table under the Rep. column.

The information found under "C 2", "C 3", "C 4"... represents how many times a set of consecutive numbers have been drawn during the last 100 draws. For instance, a value of 29 under "C 2" means that, during the last 100 draws, sets of two consecutive numbers have been drawn 29 times.

The "Evens" and "Odds" show the total of even respectively odd numbers drawn along with their percentages.

The next cells show the distribution of Even/Odd numbers. A value of 4 under "(E/O) 5 / 0" tells us that in four of the latest 100 winning results, there were 5 evens and no odds while 26 under "(E/O) 3 / 2" means that 26 results had 3 evens and 2 odds.
Take good note about what's after the "(E/O)" because it always reflects the number of Evens/Odds. So, while "(E/O) 5 / 0" is referring to 5 Evens and no odds, "(E/O) 0 / 5" actually means no evens, only five odd numbers!

The "Avg. ALLD" is obviously the average of the ALLD column in the main table which shows how many lottery draws we need to go back to find all numbers from a certain draw, considering the winning numbers only.

Similarly, the "Avg. ALLN" refers to the column (ALLN) that shows haw many draws we need to go back to find all numbers from a certain draw, considering, this time, the neighbors of the winning numbers.

And the "Avg. ALLD+N"... you probably guessed it :-) It is the column holding haw many draws we need to go back to find all numbers from a certain draw, by considering both, the winning numbers and their neighbors.

Lottery statistical factors - Min/Max

The information in this table is self explanatory. It contains the minimum and maximum values for some of the columns in the main table. The headings here clearly reflect the corresponding main table column.

One thing that's worth mentioning is that, the value on the left of the slash is always the minimum value while the value on the right side of the slash is the maximum value. For example, 96 / 204 under "Min/Max SUM" means that, during the latest 100 draws, the lowest SUM of numbers was 96 and the highest 204.

Customizing the lottery matrix

The main lottery statistics table has a fair amount of columns so, for those who are only interested in some of them, we developed a feature which allows you to hide/show almost every column of it. Furthermore, if you'd rather like to have the lottery results on your screen without the number colors applied, the "Colors" toggle switch does just that, turns the lottery number colors on or off.

The lottery matrix table itself

The main lottery statistics table has, by default the following columns:

Each lottery statistics column heading has a title text describing that particular column. The title text pops up on a desktop while hovering the heading but, in the case of a mobile/touch device, the title text is not shown so let's look at every column and see what statistical factor each of them shows.

Draw date

Obviously, the date when the corresponding winning numbers have been drawn.

Drawn numbers

well, just that :-) The lottery numbers that have been drawn on a certain date.

SUM of numbers

The SUM of the numbers that make up the corresponding lottery results.

SUM of digits

The SUM of the digits that form the numbers from the corresponding lottery results.

Numbers range

The lottery numbers range, represented as the difference between the highest number and the lowest number drawn.

Min. GAP

The smallest gap (difference, distance) between any two adjacent numbers from a set of lotto results. It is obtained by subtracting the lowest number from the highest.

Max. GAP

The highest gap (difference, distance) between any two adjacent numbers.

RD (=repeating decades)

In this column you will find the number of repeating decades.

Let's say we have the following lottery results:
08, 23, 24, 34 and 38
For this particular set of lottery winning numbers we'll see, under the RD column, 2+2 because there are two different sets of repeating decades. 2 (23, 24) and 3 (34, 38).

RLd.(=repeating last digits)

Repeating last digits. Very similar to the above (RD) except, instead of counting the repeating decades, the repeating last digits are being counted.

By looking at the example above, the RLd. would also have the value of 2+2, this time because we have two numbers having the same last digits (8 and 38) and another two numbers having the same (but different than the first one) last digits (24 and 34).


This is the column we should look at if we want to see if the lottery numbers from one draw have all the same trend. Wherever we see a number of arrows pointing up, it means all the numbers in that draw are higher than their corresponding numbers in the previous draw. If the arrows are pointing downwards, all the numbers are lower than the corresponding numbers in the previous draw.


The consecutive numbers that were present in the results. For example, C 2:1 means there was one set of 2 consecutive numbers. C 2:2 means there were two sets of 2 consecutive numbers.

If you see C 2:1; C 3:1, it means there was one set of 2 consecutives and one set of 3 consecutives. And so on and so forth...


This column shows how many evens and how many odds the lottery results have.

Spaces (Dist)

This column shows the space (distance) between the winning lottery numbers. If we look again at the numbers mentioned in the above example, this column would read "15 - 01 - 10 - 04 || 1 / 1" which means the first space is 15 (23 - 08 = 15), the second space is 1 (24 - 23 = 1), etc... The "1 / 1" part means that the smallest space (on the left of the slash) is being repeated once and the highest space (on the left of the slash) is, in this example, also being repeated once.


How many draws we need to go back in order to find a match for every number from a set of lotto results, by comparing them to the previous drawn numbers.


How many draws we need to go back in order to find a match for every number from a set of results, by comparing them to the neighbors of the numbers from the previous draws.


How many draws we need to go back in order to find a match for every number from a set of results, by comparing them to the previous drawn numbers and their neighbors.


The values in this column represent how many draws ago were any 2 numbers from the corresponding results drawn. By hovering the value in this column, the date of the previous results where any 2 numbers were drawn is being displayed. For instance if any 2 numbers from a any lottery results were drawn 5 draws ago, the value in this column would be LT2 5 and by hovering the value you'll be able to see the date of the lotto results from 5 draws ago. Note: The LT2 values are being generated based on the latest 100 lotto results. A blank LT2 value means that any 2 numbers from the results were not drawn during the latest 100 results.


Same as LT2 but for 3 numbers.
Note: The LT3 values are being generated based on the latest 300 lotto results. A blank LT3 value means that any 3 numbers from the results were not drawn during the latest 300 results.


The lottery numbers that are being drawn in two draws, one next to the other. Or repeating numbers.


This is the neighbor numbers column. It shows how many of the current numbers are neighbors of the numbers drawn in the previous draw.


This is the total of the previously described two columns, Repeating numbers + Neighbor numbers.

The next 12 to 28 columns

These columns compare the lottery winning numbers on a particular date to the lottery history as follows:

"same order" in this context does NOT refer to the order the lottery numbers were actually drawn. It refers to the ascending order of the numbers.
For instance let's compare 08, 23, 24, 34 and 38 to 08, 23, 24, 35 and 38.
According to a regular comparison, 4 numbers (08, 23, 24 and 38) from the first set of numbers were also drawn in the second set of numbers, while according to the STRICT comparison only 3 numbers (08, 23, 24) from the first set of numbers were also drawn in the second set.

Lottery number colors

A number colors is being applied to each lottery. The system looks analyzes the number colors for each draw and groups the number colors. The most common color patters are being shown from left to right, for the numbers in the middle as well as from right to left.

Lottery numbers in particular positions

Our lottery analysis clearly shows that some numbers somehow have the capacity to occupy a certain position in the lottery results more often than others. In this lottery statistics section you can see which are the most common numbers in each position as well as the least common numbers in each position.

And to go a little further, you can also see which are the groups of 2 numbers that occupy a certain position. For example, on 2019-05-07, by looking at the US Powerball lottery matrix, the first position was taken by number 01 nine times. But number 08, when followed by 12 occupied the same first position three times.

A lottery with more numbers drawn from a smaller pool, such as the Australian Set For Life, has shows slightly different statistics. While number 02 was in the first position 26 times, number 02 followed by 03 was in the first position only six times.

Frequency of statistical factors

These statistics are again the various values of the main lottery matrix table sorted and sometimes re-calculated. Since the title of each of these statistical factors start or contain the heading of the corresponding column, it should be very easy to identify the contained data.

Let's take a look at the first one. The "ALLD frequency". Let's assume we see "12 X ALLD 8." in the first row. The "translation" of this statistical factor would be: "12 times, the value of the ALLD column in the main lottery matrix table was 8". Easy!

And "3 X ALLD 4." in the " ALLD" statistical frequency means that "3 times the value of the ALLD column was 4". The only difference between the "ALLD frequency" and " ALLD" is that the first one is being ordered by the occurrence of the value, descending, while the second one is being ordered by the value itself, ascending.

Here is another one:

"7 X S 154." under "SUM frequency" means "7 times the SUM of the numbers was 154".

Under "SUM trend % frequency", "22 X SUM trend <0-10%" means: "22 times, the SUM of the numbers in one draw was 0 to 10% lower than the SUM of the previously drawn numbers.

As always, we welcome any questions and/or suggestions you may have.

Available lotto matrixes

The matrix for every lottery we analyze can be accessed using the buttons below.
Have fun and Good Luck!

UK 49s Lotto matrix UK 49s Lunchtime matrix UK 49s Teatime matrix USA Powerball matrix EuroMillions matrix EuroJackpot matrix Mega Millions matrix New York Cash4Life matrix New York lottery matrix Oregon Megabucks matrix Florida lottery matrix Lucky For Life matrix Illinois lottery matrix Texas lottery matrix Arizona The Pick matrix Georgia Fantasy 5 matrix Indiana Hoosier lottery matrix New Jersey Pick Six matrix Ohio Classic lottery matrix Colorado lottery matrix Connecticut lottery matrix Super Kansas Cash matrix Louisiana lottery matrix Massachusetts Megabucks matrix Michigan Classic lottery 47 matrix Missouri lottery matrix Vermont Megabucks Plus matrix Washington lottery matrix Wisconsin Megabucks matrix Canada 6/49 matrix Canada LottoMax matrix Ontario 49 Lotto matrix Canada BC49 matrix Canada Western 6/49 matrix Quebec 49 matrix Ontario Lottario matrix Daily Grand Canada matrix UK Lotto matrix UK Thunderball matrix Australia Powerball matrix Australia Set For Life matrix Australia Oz Lotto matrix Australia Saturday Lotto matrix Dutch Lotto matrix Dutch Lotto XL matrix Irish Lotto matrix Irish Lotto Plus1 matrix Irish Lotto Plus2 matrix Daily Million afternoon matrix Daily Million evening matrix South Africa Lotto matrix South Africa Lotto Plus matrix South Africa Powerball matrix South Africa Powerball Plus matrix SA Daily Lotto matrix Philippine Super Lotto 6/49 matrix Philippine Megalotto 6/45 matrix Philippine Grand Lotto 6/55 matrix Philippine Ultra Lotto 6/58 matrix Philippine Lotto 6/42 matrix Lotto Lordag (1) matrix Lotto Lordag (2) matrix Lotto Onsdag (1) matrix Lotto Onsdag (2) matrix Viking Lotto matrix Germany Lotto 6aus49 matrix France Lotto matrix Italy SuperEna Lotto matrix Spain El Gordo matrix Spain La Primitiva matrix Romania Lotto 6din49 matrix New Zealand Powerball matrix Swiss Lotto matrix Polish Lotto matrix Greece Lotto matrix Greece Joker matrix Hatoslotto matrix Otoslotto matrix Austria 6aus45 matrix Spain BonoLoto matrix Belgium Lotto matrix Finland Lotto matrix Hong Kong Mark Six matrix Japan Loto 6 matrix Turkey Sayisal Lotto 6 90 matrix Turkey Super Lotto 6 54 matrix

